Monday, February 28, 2011

Science Olympiad regional competition

(From left to right) Seniors Sam Webster and Peter Lander and sophomore Jed Thompson pose after winning awards at today's Science Olympiad competition at Cabrini College. The team competed against over thirty other schools in the area and finished in the top ten. Do to a scoring discrepancy, their exact placing has yet to be determined, but it is known that they will be competing in the state competition on April 29.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

African American Culture Day

Junior Zach Fox has his hair braided by junior Ashley Miles at the African American Culture Day on Feb. 24.  Students also had the chance to sample different kinds of food, try double-dutch and learn about famous African Americans throughout history.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Unity Week Day 2

Junior Caley Braun and senior James Ferguson sell Greening Stoga Task Force merchandise as part of Green Our School day, during which many hallway lights were turned off as a way to save energy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Unity Week Day 1

Junior Betsy Simon stands in front of various posters as part of Peer Mediation "drop-in" day. This display, along with others, is in support of Unity Week from February 21-25.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Model UN goes to DC

Members of the club Model UN headed down to Washington, DC from Feb. 17-20.  Students will partake in debates while representing a certain country's views on a topic. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Global Festival Day

Senior Brittany Kleckner mans a table displaying cultural objects from countries including China and Japan at Global Festival Day, hosted by Multi-Cultural Club and English Language Learners students.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

GSA Bakesale

Sophomore Andres Montaner buys a cupcake from junior Amanda Simon (left) and junior Ashleigh Johnson at the GSA-sponsored bakesale. Proceeds go to help fund the club's various activities, including the AIDS walk and T-shirts for Day of Silence.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Spoke editors take the "Tao of Journalism Pledge"

The editorial staff of The Spoke stands by a computer, before taking the Tao of Journalism Pledge online. The pledge shows that the editors are committing themselves to show their readers the truth, and that the will be "transparent about who they are, accountable for their mistakes, and open to other points of view."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Girls basketball loses in buzzer-beater

Freshman number 24, Kate Nalevanko, goes up for a shot at the girls basketball game against Garnet Valley.  Conestoga lost with a final score of 26-28.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wrestling's Senior Night

Senior Ben Hartshorn claims his 100th win during wrestling's senior against Ridley. In the stands, a crowd of students cheer him on.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Academic Competition Semi-Finals

Seniors Alex Dobner, Andy Bazany, Cassidy Stevens, and sophomore Michael Bennett compete in the Varsity match of the Chester County Academic Competition semi-finals. The final scores were 125 points for Conestoga, 130 for Unionville High School and 95 for Coatesville High School. However, two Conestoga buzzers defaulted during part of the match, and a decision will be made to determine whether the team should be allowed to go to finals.

UPDATE: In a unanimous decision by the superintendants of the other qualifying schools, the Varsity team will participate in the finals, along with Unionville, West Chester Henderson, and Downington East High Schools.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Seniors 2011: Most likely to be President

Brian Cizek and Michelle Guo pose for Senior Superlatives after the senior class voted them as the two most likely students, of the Class of 2011, to be elected President of the U.S.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sinkhole on 202 in King of Prussia

Early on the morning of Feb. 4, a sinkhole formed on Rt. 202 in front of the King of Prussia Mall. Crews have been working constantly to fix the road, but it remains closed, causing much traffic near and around the mall.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Prepping for the Snow Storm

Tredyffrin Township trucks prepare for the coming ice storm. Crews have been working all day to prepare the roads for the massive winter storm. The storm is expected to hit the area Tuesday night, and bring heavy amounts of rain and sleet.